

As It Is

Application Created By Durgesh Mahajan

Android Application Made For Spiritual Geeks


Embark on a profound journey into the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita with our immersive and feature-rich Android app. Rooted in the rich tapestry of ancient literature, our app offers an unparalleled exploration of this sacred scripture, combining tradition with modern technology. Key Features: Best Theme for an Ancient Experience: Immerse yourself in the sacred ambiance of the Bhagavad Gita through an app designed with the best theme, evoking the essence of ancient literature. Audio for Each Sloka: Experience the divine verses come to life with audio recitations for each sloka, enhancing your understanding and connection with the profound teachings. Best Backgrounds for Tranquil Reading: Choose from a curated selection of backgrounds that complement the serenity of the verses, creating an environment conducive to focused and tranquil reading. Multilingual Support - Available in 14 Languages: Access the Bhagavad Gita in your preferred language among the 14 available options, ensuring inclusivity and making the teachings accessible to a global audience. Save Option for Personalized Experience: Tailor your exploration by saving your favorite verses, allowing you to create a personalized collection that resonates with your spiritual journey. Sanskrit Typing for Authentic Experience: Engage with the original Sanskrit text effortlessly using our built-in Sanskrit typing feature, preserving the authenticity of the scripture. English Translation and Transcription: Delve into the meaning and significance of each verse with our accurate English translations and transcriptions, bridging the linguistic gap for a comprehensive understanding. Hard Words and Chosen Language Meaning: Easily comprehend complex terms with our glossary of hard words, and customize your learning experience by choosing your preferred language for word meanings.



Experience the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita in a setting that enhances the serenity and depth of its teachings. Our app provides carefully curated backgrounds, creating a tranquil reading environment that complements the spiritual journey of each user. Key Components: Curated Aesthetics: Immerse yourself in a visually pleasing experience with backgrounds carefully selected to evoke a sense of tranquility and spirituality. The aesthetics aim to create a harmonious backdrop for your exploration of the Bhagavad Gita. Thematic Relevance: Each background is chosen with thematic relevance, aligning with the spiritual essence of the verses. Whether it's a serene landscape, a sacred place, or symbolic imagery, the backgrounds are thoughtfully matched to enhance your understanding. Customization Options: Tailor your reading environment by choosing from a variety of backgrounds that resonate with your personal preferences. Customize the visual atmosphere to align with the mood you seek for your spiritual contemplation. Day and Night Modes: Transition seamlessly between day and night modes for optimal readability. The backgrounds adapt to the time of day, providing a comfortable and visually appealing experience during both daylight and nighttime reading. Reduced Eye Strain: Optimize your reading experience with backgrounds that reduce eye strain. The color schemes and textures are designed to prioritize comfort, allowing for extended periods of focused reading without discomfort. Enhanced Focus on Content: The subtle and non-intrusive backgrounds ensure that your primary focus remains on the scripture's content. The design aims to complement, not distract, creating an ideal reading environment for deep contemplation. Responsive Design: The backgrounds are responsive to different device sizes and orientations, ensuring a consistent and aesthetically pleasing experience across a variety of Android devices. Visual Harmony with Audio: The backgrounds are designed to visually harmonize with the audio feature, creating a holistic experience where the visual and auditory elements come together to enrich your spiritual journey. The "Best Backgrounds for Tranquil Reading" feature transforms your Bhagavad Gita exploration into a visually enchanting and spiritually uplifting experience. The carefully curated backgrounds serve as a gateway to deeper contemplation, creating an ambiance that resonates with the profound teachings of the scripture.


Technological Advancements

Audio Playback For every Shloka

Unlock the transformative power of sound as you engage with the Bhagavad Gita through our app's immersive audio feature. Each sloka is brought to life with authentic and soulful recitations, enhancing your spiritual experience and fostering a deeper connection with the timeless teachings. Key Components: Authentic Recitations: Immerse yourself in the divine vibrations of the Bhagavad Gita as experienced and trained narrators bring each sloka to life with authentic and heartfelt recitations. Verse-by-Verse Audio Playback: Access audio playback for each individual sloka, allowing you to focus on specific verses and absorb their meanings at your own pace. Enhanced Understanding: Experience a profound understanding of the verses through the nuances of tone, rhythm, and pronunciation, capturing the essence of the original Sanskrit recitations. Versatility in Listening: Choose to listen to the entire chapter or select specific slokas for a targeted and contemplative listening experience. This versatility caters to both those seeking a comprehensive overview and those focusing on particular teachings. Playback Controls: Enjoy complete control over your listening experience with user-friendly playback controls. Pause, play, rewind, or fast forward to navigate seamlessly through the audio content. Offline Accessibility: Download your favorite chapters or individual slokas to enjoy offline, ensuring a seamless listening experience even without an internet connection. Enhanced Memorization: Imprint the verses in your memory effortlessly as you listen to the rhythmic and melodic recitations, aiding in the memorization and retention of the sacred verses. Spiritual Connection: Allow the soothing audio to create a spiritual ambiance, fostering a deep connection with the profound teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Experience the scriptures in a way that transcends the written word, reaching the depths of your soul. The "Audio for Each Sloka" feature transforms the Bhagavad Gita app into an auditory sanctuary, offering a unique and holistic approach to understanding the scripture. Elevate your spiritual journey by immersing yourself in the divine resonance of the Bhagavad Gita, making each verse a harmonious melody that resonates within your heart.